Showing the Off-Canvas Trigger Button

Now it’s time to show the button that will make the off-canvas sidebar appear. So many different ways can be used to show the button. Here are all of the ways to do it:


You can just copy the shortcode for the trigger button and paste it where you want it to show up. The shortcode can be found in the off-canvas part of the accordion shortcode builder.


Another cool way of displaying it using our Gutenberg block. You can use drop it and select the off-canvas enabled shortcode in the settings.


The trigger button can be shown using our Elementor widget as well. It can be done either using the trigger widget or the default button widget.

Navigation Menu:

The trigger button can be shown in the site’s navigation menu. Add a custom menu item and check the off-canvas trigger checkbox and select the off-canvas enabled shortcode.

Action Hook:

If you are an advanced user and want to add the trigger button to a hook, It can be done directly from the off-canvas settings.

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