Category Accordion ShortCode Parameters

Category accordion shortcode accepts a couple of parameters. All the parameters are listed below with the description.


Category Accordion Shortcode :

[wpb_category_accordion taxonomy="category" orderby="name" order="ASC"]


  1. taxonomy: (string) You can show any WordPress custom taxonomy or category on our accordion. Just put the taxonomy key in the taxonomy parameter. Default: category.
  2. orderby: (string) The column to use for ordering categories. Default ‘name’.
  3. order: (string) Which direction to order categories. Accepts ‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’. Default ‘ASC’.
  4. show_count: Show post count. Options: yes, no. Default: no.
  5. hide_empty: Hide empty categories. Options: yes, no. Default: yes.
  6. exclude: (array|string) Array or comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude.
  7. include: (array|string) Array or comma/space-separated string of term IDs to include.
  8. hierarchical: Display sub-categories as inner list items (below the parent list item) or inline. Optiopns: yes, no. Default: no.
  9. number: Sets the number of Categories to display. This causes the SQL LIMIT value to be defined. Default to no LIMIT.
  10. depth: This parameter controls how many levels in the hierarchy of Categories are to be included in the list of Categories.
  11. accordion: Close previously opened accordion. Optiopns: yes, no. Default: yes.
  12. xclass: (string) Add extra CSS class.


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